Monday, December 21, 2009

"Life this Past Week", or "Almost Christmas!?!"

I mean, the title pretty much covers what I wanted to cover. I feel like list form my work best with my mind right now. So here's a list of things from tonight:

1) Snow! So fun.
2) Shepherds
3) Pecan Pie
4) Ore and brick
5) Banjo
6) Goodbye Jon and Adam
7) Warmer States
8) Muppets

The end of the list. I'll post more coherently soon, but in the interest of building habits, i have posted this tonight. Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, brother (can't you just hear Desmond saying that?)-

    Just wanted to let you know I entered the blogging world. Pop over if you get a chance, and we really must converse in person SOON!

